About the PHCCEA
The Pennant Hills Education Association was formed in 1984 as churches from a wide range of denominations came together with the purpose of providing an effective program at Pennant Hills High School under the provisions for Special Religious Education in schools. Shortly after that, the association appointed its first teacher, Marty Rowe, to teach at Pennant Hills High, thus beginning our long association with that school.
When Cherrybrook Technology High School opened in the early 1990's, the association recognized the need to expand its activities to cover that school as well, prompting a change in the name of the association to the rather long winded Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook Christian Education Association, and more importantly, the appointment of a teacher to provide SRE classes at Cherrybrook Technology High School.
Currently, the association employs a full-time Christian Studies teacher in each of these two schools. These teachers between them have fortnightly contact with about 3000 students, teaching a curriculum that is designed to give the students a basic knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith and its relationship to contemporary teenage life.The focus is on God's character and his plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, as revealed in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible; and the exploration of the consequences that flow from a Christian world view for our personal significance, our relationships with others and the decisions we make.
The curriculum currently being used at Cherrybrook Technology High School and Pennant Hills High School is the "Think Faith" curriculum.